Preservative pastes & Bandages

  • CuB 20 is a proven copper-borate paste which provides great long-term protection.

    Description: Cub 20 - Paste
    Part Number: 13403
    Size (Shipping Weight):
    - 42 lbs. square pail (44 lbs. per pail, 36 pails per pallet)
    - 16 oz. caulking tube (16 oz. caulking tube (6x16 oz.)
    - 44 oz. caulking tube (6x44 oz.)

  • CuRap 22 is widely used in the utility industry, and replaced the former CuRap 20 external paste.

    Description: CuRap 22 - Paste
    Part Number: 13951
    Size (Shipping Weight): 42 lbs. pail (42 lbs. per pail, 26 pails per pallet)

  • Cobra™ WRAP is a highly effective groundline wood pole treatment system. Cobra™ WRAP’s active preservative ingredients are highly effective at the eradication of fungal colonization at the groundline. Proven copper naphthenate & P9 oil are formulated in this unique bandage application system. To apply just cut to length, slit diagonal lines to expose the chemical and install it onto the pole.

    Description: Cobra Wrap SD
    Part Number: 11010
    Size (Shipping Weight): 20" x 52.5" roll (40 lbs., 36 boxes per pallet)

  • Cobra™ WRAP is a highly effective groundline wood pole treatment system. Cobra™ WRAP’s active preservative ingredients are highly effective at the eradication of fungal colonization at the groundline. Proven copper naphthenate & P9 oil are formulated in this unique bandage application system. To apply just cut to length, slit diagonal lines to expose the chemical and install it onto the pole.

    Description: Cobra Wrap SD
    Part Number: 11010
    Size (Shipping Weight): 24" x 52.5" wrap (51.5 lbs., 30 boxes per pallet)


  • UltraFume® is a general use fumigant that is effective in the remediation of existing decay, and as an internal preservative to prevent future decay infestations. Independent studies show that UltraFume remains fungi-toxic in excess of 10 years, which allows for 10+ year treatment cycles. UltraFume decomposes to form Methylisoth-iocyanate, which is a proven fungicide in wood structures.

    Description: UltraFume Bottle - 7 lbs.
    Part Number: CF U900 P000
    Size (Shipping Weight): 6 bottles per case, 47 lbs. per case

    Description: UltraFume Bottle Tags
    Part Number: CF U900 T001
    Size (Shipping Weight): 500 tags per box, 1 lb.


  • The Cobra Rod is a highly effective internal wood preservative that significantly extends the service life of wood in all types of structures including utility poles.

    Description: Cobra Rod 1/2" x 4"
    Part Number: 20009
    Size (Shipping Weight): 500 per pail (27 lbs. per pail, 48 pails per pallet, 24,000 rods)

    Description: Cobra Rod 3/4" x 3"
    Part Number: 20050
    Size (Shipping Weight): 250 per pail (34 lbs. per pail, 48 pails per pallet, 12,000 rods)

    Description: Cobra Rod 1/2" x 4"
    Part Number: 20311
    Size (Shipping Weight): 50 pack (3 lbs.)

  • Impel Rods are a safe, low-cost, EPA- approved decay and insect protection and prevention system for wood poles / pilings. They have an appearance similar to glass rods, and are available in three convenient sizes for wood pole protection.  They are internationally recognized in controlling fungal decay, termites, carpenter ants, various beetles, and many other wood boring insects.

    Description: Impel Rods 1/2" x 4"
    Part Number: CF I100 S040
    Size (Shipping Weight): 500 per pail (31 lbs. per pail, 27 pails per pallet, 13,500 rods)

    Description: Impel Rods 3/4" x 3"
    Part Number: CF I100 S041
    Size (Shipping Weight): 500 per pail (51 lbs. per pail, 27 pails per pallet, 9,000 rods)

    Description: Impel Rods 8mm x 65mm
    Part Number: CF I100 S054
    Size (Shipping Weight): 1,000 per pail (21 lbs. per pail, 27 pails per pallet, 27,000 rods)

  • Cu-Nap Concentrate (8% Cu as metal) is a liquid Copper Naphthenate wood preservative that can be diluted with diesel or mineral spirits.  Cu-Nap Concentrate is labeled for the treatment of posts, poles, lumber, siding, boxes, roof shakes and shingles, fence pickets, landscape timbers, cellulose textiles and cordage.

    Description: QNAP8 - 8% Concentrate
    Part Number: PC-QN8
    Size (Shipping Weight): 5 gallon pail (45 lbs.)

    Description: Tenino - RTU Formula
    Part Number: PC-TRTU
    Size (Shipping Weight): 6 gallon pail (45 lbs.)

  • This copper-borate water-based liquid preservative contains no harmful VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds), and is perfect for internally treating voids from decay or insects. CuB can also be combined with a foaming agent to treat insect galleries.

    Description: CuB: Copper-borate water-based liquid preservative (1-gal.)
    Part Number: 23204
    Size (Shipping Weight): 4x1 gallon bottles, 27 boxes per pallet (45 lbs. per box)

    Description: CuB: Copper-borate water-based liquid preservative (5-gal. per pail)
    Part Number: 23210
    Size (Shipping Weight): 5 gallon per pail, 26 pails per pallet (53 lbs. per pail)

Fire retardant

  • WFS Net™, an innovative net designed to protect wood products in case of fire by forming a barrier of protection that stops the spread of flames. WFS Net™ is used in the protection of utility poles as well as railroad bridges and cross-arms. This new, flexible, easy-to-use product is an intumescent coated mesh that can be applied at any time to any type of wood products. Heat activated, the Net allows for airflow and breathability until activated by fire.

    Description: Single 3' High x 50' Long Roll
    Part Number: 53075
    Size (Shipping Weight): 42-47 lbs. per roll, 25 rolls per pallet (1,175 lbs. per pallet)

  • A field-applied fire retardant coating called FireSheath® fire retardant coating will help protect wood poles against the common types of fire that can damage or even topple a pole. Applied by brush, roller, or power sprayer (preferably airless sprayer), the intumescent coating foams up in the event of a fire, creating char which insulates underlying wood from the fire’s heat. In the ASTM E 84 tunnel test, wood coated with the formula which is qualified as a Class A fire retardant material, with a Flame Spread rating of 5 and a Smoke Developed rating of 65.  As with all coatings, annual inspection to repair abnormalities is recommended. Such repairs are easily and readily accomplished with FireSheath® coating.

    Description: 5 gallon pail
    Part Number: CF F900 Z001
    Size (Shipping Weight): 62 lbs. per pail

Pole Strength Assessment

  • D-Calc v.4 provides pole ground line inspectors and engineers a tool to quickly and accurately evaluate the  effect of damage or decay on a pole’s strength. Traditional methods determined pole adequacy based on averaging remaining shell thickness or reduced circumference measurements. D-Calc allows the user to input pole properties and “draw” a true representation of the observed damage, which it then uses to calculate the percent remaining strength.

Pole restoration & protection

  • The Channel and UltraTruss products are high-quality, high-strength wood pole restoration systems specially designed for transmission and distribution utility poles.  Each truss system has its unique application for restoring structural integrity to the utility pole.  Both systems are meant to provide cost savings to the utility customer as an alternative to pole replacement.

    Description: Contact us for pole class & sizing.

ancillary & field support products

  • Contact us for sizing and quantities.

  • Contact us for sizing and quantities.

  • Contact us for sizing and quantities.

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  • Contact us for more information.